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September 2020

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The Importance of Content

… and maintaining it! Content is important generally for us as humans, but it’s especially so in any marketing campaign. The phrase “content is king” is known in the marketing world, and rightly so. Written copy, in whatever form it may take when relevant and consistent is a great way to connect with your audience and keep them coming back.  Consistency is the key takeaway… Read More »The Importance of Content

tyne valley express painted lady butterfly

Recording Nature

One of the greatest pleasures of the natural world is that there is always so much to find out; it’s also one of the biggest frustrations.  For those starting out the mountain can seem enormous as you try to get to grips with the difference between a small tortoiseshell and painted lady butterfly, or between a chaffinch and bullfinch.  For those with many years behind… Read More »Recording Nature

Sleep Like A Log?

Growing up I remember the adults around me always mentioning how tired they were. How they could not sleep nor could they remember when last they had a good night’s sleep. I also remember thinking that the “lack of energy and always tired “phenomenon only happened to “old” people. By the time I was thirty I realised that I was THAT old person. Wishing for… Read More »Sleep Like A Log?


Windows 10

Windows 10 – should you update your laptop/pc if you have an older version? Microsoft offered to update your laptop/pc to Windows 10 for free up until Summer 2016.  Some people running very old equipment took the offer and suffered badly.  Others with newer machines managed better.  Now, if you’d like to upgrade to Windows 10 there is a cost.  However, there is a way… Read More »Windows 10



One thing the pandemic has been good for – at least for me – is the reignition of past hobbies. Discovering a new craft has been a lifesaver, not only to stave off boredom but to rediscover an old part of myself.  Back in April, when the lockdown was all fresh and new, having nothing to do was a luxury. From having a lie-in, to… Read More »Reignition