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IT and information technology

jenny backup options tve

Backup Options

One of the hardest parts of my job is to let my customer know that their hard disk has failed and all of their precious data and particularly photographs have all gone.  In some cases, it might be possible to salvage data from a failing drive, but this often comes at a very steep price. So what can you do to avoid this situation happening… Read More »Backup Options

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Old IT equipment

What to do with old IT equipment? This is a question I am asked a lot.  People often come to me with their old laptop/PC and ask me what they can do with it.  Sometimes their laptop isn’t particularly old and can be revived by doing a complete rebuild and installing Windows again – and if the hard drive is replaced by an SSD (Solid… Read More »Old IT equipment


Computer Safety

Keeping safe while using your computer Unfortunately, I have had a few of my customers contact me recently after they have been involved with someone trying to scam them.  As more and more of us use technology to buy stuff online, find out information, and do online banking, so the numbers of scammers and the methods that they use increases. Things to watch out for:… Read More »Computer Safety