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depth of field


Equipment pt.2

What to take or what not to take, that is the question! (Part 2) So, following on from last time, let’s first look at the Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera. If you are really serious about getting into photography, then really, you should be looking at one of these. As I mentioned, the brand you choose is up to you, they all do basically… Read More »Equipment pt.2



What to take or what not to take, that is the question! (Part 1) As there’s a lot to talk about on this subject, and limited space, I’ll do this in two parts. We have gone through a lot in my various photography articles, but I haven’t gone into too much detail of the actual equipment itself. I touched on it in my first article,… Read More »Equipment

roy frankland tyne valley express depth of field image

Depth of Field

(how to make your subject really stand out!) If you cast your minds back a few editions, we discussed exposure, and the various things you have at your disposal to get your exposure correct. We talked about the balance between ISO setting, shutter speed and aperture and very briefly, I went through each of those and the effect they have on your image. Well, I’ve… Read More »Depth of Field