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Health and Well-being

autumn adventures autumn leaves banner images

Autumn Adventures

The days are getting colder, the leaves are turning yellow and amber and falling, and the dark nights creep ever closer. Autumn is my favourite season for the colours and the cosy vibes, and I am determined to take advantage of both.  Wandering in the Woods at Gibside ‘Not all those that wander are lost.’   That is certainly true for my recent venture up… Read More »Autumn Adventures

theatre 2


So far, 2023 has been marked by some exceptional theatre visits. There have been four so far; two iterations of Neil Gaiman’s Ocean At The End of the Lane, then there’s been SIX, and the Ghosts of Metroland. I have even planned some more over the course of the rest of the year. I’ll go through the premise of each show briefly. First was the… Read More »Theatrics

whickham woods in autumn

Wonders of Nature

With the warmer weather this month, I’ve appreciated outdoor spaces more. For example, just last week, I spent a good few hours in a park, lounging like a tired cat chasing after the sun, with a smoothie in one hand and a book in the other. It was a pleasant way to pass the afternoon (make sure you remember to apply suncream liberally and often).… Read More »Wonders of Nature

say yes to life


One of my New Year’s resolutions – and I don’t typically make many – was to say yes to more things. Looking back, I’ve always sometimes said no to opportunities due to not feeling in the right mood or just because they were out of my comfort zone. Staying in your comfort zone can be a good thing – for safety reasons and for your… Read More »Opportunities

katie taking life too seriously

Taking Life Too Seriously

There is no doubt that we live in turbulent times. But, despite all the seriousness, we need to remind ourselves to let go now and again. Newt Scamander from the fictional world of Fantastic Beasts by J.K Rowling had a wonderful philosophy, “Worrying means you suffer twice”. Worrying is, unfortunately, a part of life. The fight or flight instinct has been around since we were… Read More »Taking Life Too Seriously

lady sitting at lake

Leading from the Heart

As this year has progressed, I’ve seen an increase in people who I work with, either through 1-2-1 work or attending my classes, who are seeking help due to feeling completely overwhelmed mentally and emotionally by life. A sense their head is full, clouded, forgetful and an inability to concentrate or sleep well seem to be the most usual complaints. One of them most common… Read More »Leading from the Heart


Have a Break

It seems that there is finally light at the end of a very dark and long tunnel.  The resurgence of nature with spring brings with it the return of some welcome normality. I use the word “normal” lightly here, as I think things will not be as they used to be, rather a new normal will emerge. As we feel the bustle of life and… Read More »Have a Break


The illusions of Fear

There is always a moment where I resist meditation, resist journaling, resist exercising… It is the ego who resists the healing because of the safeness it feels in the suffering. In the suffering the ego has created safe rooms, or states of being, that are like illusions. I am lulled into a false sense of security, that in those safe rooms, I am completely safe.… Read More »The illusions of Fear


The Good From 2020

Happy New Year! As much as we won’t know what the next weeks and months will hold it, now is a good time to reflect on any challenges or ambitions we’ve faced and have been able to overcome. From my last article on the previous edition I hope you’ve been able to find a couple of useful prompts as to attempt a fitness routine. There’s… Read More »The Good From 2020


And breathe!

Take a deep breath! How many times have you heard that phrase? When we face stressful or difficult situations, those four words are very likely to be used. We are living in increasingly stressful times. The coronavirus pandemic is likely to see this increase, sadly, as people face job losses, increasing uncertainty and other seismic events. I am sure you have experienced stressful occasions, such… Read More »And breathe!