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December 2023


Equipment pt.2

What to take or what not to take, that is the question! (Part 2) So, following on from last time, let’s first look at the Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera. If you are really serious about getting into photography, then really, you should be looking at one of these. As I mentioned, the brand you choose is up to you, they all do basically… Read More »Equipment pt.2

sycamore gap colour


I sat in a tattoo studio thinking about permanence, and the inspiration for this article was born. With tattoos, the artwork is permanently placed on the body unless you laser it off or cover it up with more artwork. It has a permanent home but, as with everything in life, it changes. Tattoos fade over time; new scars or injuries may impact it, life in… Read More »Permanence