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September 2022


Does a goldfish know?

that it lives in a tank? I sometimes feel like running down the street shouting “They’re coming, they’re coming!” I hold myself back not wishing to be arrested for it – again. So in a series of articles I would like to perhaps keep my clothes on and discuss a range of topics that have unhinged my sanity and perhaps yours? –  Connect some important… Read More »Does a goldfish know?

economics 2

Fiddling Economic Data

As the economic situation deteriorates, we are seeing governments around the world start to change the economic data and even the way they define economic recessions. Usually we are told that governments like the one in the U.K. and the U.S. can be trusted with the data and that one should not believe anything governments from China and other emerging market countries publish in term… Read More »Fiddling Economic Data

hidden gems

Hidden gems

Discover Northumberland’s hidden gems with our list of lesser-knownattractions and secret spots. We’ve covered everything from hidden castleruins to barely discovered beaches: 1) FORD AND ETALOne of Northumberland’s best kept secrets, this working estate hasfascinating historical sites such as lesser-known Etal Castle, Lady WaterfordHall and Heatherslaw Corn Mill. Based in the valley of the River Till, its strikingcountryside setting makes for picturesque viewpoints and fantastic… Read More »Hidden gems


Read a Book Day

How time flies, it seems like just yesterday that I was writing about 2021’s National Literacy Day in my article Knowledge is Power. Now that week has rolled around again. National Read a Book Day takes place on September 6th, and National Literacy Day on September 8th. As documented in that article, I’ve read all my life, devouring as much literature as possible. Adulthood and work… Read More »Read a Book Day