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January 2022

2022 tyne valley express

What 2021 taught us

A new year, a new you. Although we do not shed our skins entirely and become new people, we do try to be better than the previous year. It is time to set goals and evaluate what we want 2022 to be.  To do that, we reflect on the previous year, what we have accomplished, what we did not accomplish and how it went in… Read More »What 2021 taught us

tyne valley express - body soul mind

By Divine Design

I would be a better writer if I had smaller breasts. Stay with me. Sitting here now, loaded up on ibuprofen just to write an article might sound extreme, sensory discomfort interfering with my creative, cognitive process, well that’s just part of being female, right? The physical experience we have inside our body whether conscious or not can’t help but shape our world. Let’s back… Read More »By Divine Design

tyne valley express woman sunrise image

Abundance Consciousness

5 Reasons you are not aligned with Abundance Consciousness It is that time of year where people are aligning to abundance consciousness. Areas they feel are lacking, i.e., health, fitness, money, peace, family, happiness, love, etc, are brought up to be addressed with the hopes they will be achieved. The universe is infinitely abundant and always in a state of flow. To align our abundance… Read More »Abundance Consciousness

Tyne Valley Express extraordinary popular delusion

Extraordinary Popular Delusions

In 1841 Charles Mackay’s Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions was first published and 180 years later we should probably refer back to it as there is much to learn from it as far as the reaction to the Coronavirus or COVID-19 is concerned. Aside from covering some of the major financial bubbles like John Law’s Mississippi Scheme, the South-Sea Bubble and the Dutch Tulipomania, Mackay… Read More »Extraordinary Popular Delusions

Tyne Valley Express Online Scammers Article

Being Safe Online

According to Which, in the year to April 2021, there was an increase in fraud of 33% on the previous year, with online scams topping the table.  As more people have taken to online shopping during the pandemic, so the craftiness of the online scammer increases.  These scams can take many forms eg fake websites where goods never arrive.  And with more people ordering online,… Read More »Being Safe Online